Latest News
Here is the link to purchase your hockey tickets:
The December Regular Monthly Meeting will be on Monday, the 9th, beginning at 7:00 pm.
A / D Shifts - EMS
C Shift - Suppression
Virtual (Zoom) Meeting Attendance Changes
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Ph: 615-401-6133
Fax: 615-401-6135
100 Arlington Avenue
Nashville, TN
Please make sure your cell phone #, provider, e-mail
and other personal info is up to date on your
web account & at the Union Hall office.
The December NFD Retiree Breakfast will be on Tuesday, the 17th, from 9-11 am at the Plantation Pub in Bellevue.
Retired Capt. Mark Stromatt and the Alley Pub invite you to attend an honorary NFD Retirement Christmas Luncheon on Friday, December 13, at 11:00 am (7040 Hwy 70 South, Nashville, TN 37221).
Prior to the luncheon on that day at 10:00 am, we are having a live broadcast with Jon Burton and his podcast “JB & The General”. Jon is a veteran sports anchor/reporter with News Channel 5. The podcast will also be broadcast on Nashville’s WNSR Sports Radio 560 AM/95.9 FM and covers the latest in sports, including the Tennessee Titans and NFL, local and national college football, as well as living in Nashville and a touch of pop culture.
We hope to see you all on December 13th!
Capt. Mark Stromatt (retired)
Be sure to contact the Union Office at 615-401-6133 to check on or update your insurance beneficiary information.
If you have not picked up your retirement ax, please contact the Union at 615-401-6133
Thoughts and Prayers would be appreciated for: Brandon Ussery (Suppression); Joshua Lackey (EMS); Corey Buckner (EMS); Daniel Baker (Suppression); Eugene Melton (EMS)Labor Headlines
US labour news headlines from LabourStart
Why Workers Deserted a Neoliberal Democratic Party
'500 days to get a crap agreement': Letter carriers in Cleveland hold picket to protest NALC's tentative agreement with USPS
Durbin, Hawley Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Protect Employees When Businesses File For Bankruptcy
Elon Musk is planning a rude awakening for 94% of federal workers by monitoring their every move
UAW Region 9 Asst. Dir. Ray Jensen on workers' fight to ban smoking in Atlantic City casinos
UnionActive Newswire Headlines
AFSCME 2067 Scholarship
Teamsters: Atlanta Card-Check Majority a Pre-Holiday Win at Amazon
Mountain Pacific Collecting Non Perishable Food
Teamsters: Atlanta Card-Check Majority a Pre-Holiday Win at Amazon
Press Release: AMFA Files For Certification to Represent Jazz Aviation and Jazz Technical Services Workers
Dues Notice Meeting